
“Success is the knowledge in with which to get whatever you want from life without violating the rights of others and by helping others to acquire it.” Napoleon Hill

Though it may be brief, this is likely one the most important blog post I will ever write. This realization came to me after pondering a series of questions over the last few weeks. Some of these questions were: What is the cause of the most tragedies and failures in the world? What leads to violence, stress and negative attitudes? Why do some couples stay together and stay happy while others break up? Why do some companies thrive and others fail? Why do some people love their job and others hate theirs? Why are some people able to create amazing things while others struggle with creativity? Why does the world still struggle with war?

The answer to all these questions is a lack of perfect f harmony between people. Throughout history, most of the problems we have experienced as humans can be traced back to a lack of harmony between people.   On the flip side of the coin, harmony is the reason for any major lasting success. Every enterprise, every country, government, marriage or other organization must face the reality that the determining factor in how long lasting and successful they will be is whether the people directly involved are working together in perfect harmony, or there is consistent discord between people. Harmony between people has led to every major success in history.

Once harmony exists in an organization or relationship, an alliance can be formed. No one can succeed on their own without the help of others. Alliances must be formed to achieve anything worthwhile. Every couple, every business, every nation must have a mastermind alliance. A mastermind alliance consists of two or more minds working actively together in perfect harmony toward a common definite objective. This is perhaps the most important ingredient in achievement. A star player cannot win a game on his efforts alone. An alliance between ALL team members must exist. If not, the team will crumble when problems arise… and problems will always arise. But those working together in a spirit of harmony will continue to thrive. If not, the problems will win.

What does it take to operate in a spirit of harmony? A change in consciousness must occur. A person must be consciously aware that harmony can exist if they seek it out. Moreover, a person must believe that when the energy created from harmony is focused into a mastermind alliance, no problem is unsolvable.   In my business, I demand that harmony exists between all associates and with customers. If a lack of harmony exists, the problems that will arise will not be solvable until there is a return to perfect harmony. Often this requires the person unwilling to be in harmony with others is removed. What the takeaway? You must be willing to be in harmony with others. A willingness must exist within every individual in an organization to act in harmony with everyone else. If that exists, anything is possible. Sound simple? It is. But simple is not always easy.

I believe that most people are, in fact, good. However, many people do not have the desire to be in harmony with those around them. They point out the flaws of others, gossip, and berate their fellow man. Humans inherently distrust others because most believe that their problems have been due to others. In reality, the lack of harmony between themselves and others is the cause of the problem. Humans need other humans. We are social creatures and we have dominated the earth and increased the standard of living because of alliances between people working in harmony. The number one cause of failure is lack of harmony between people. The number one cause of success is perfect harmony. The choice is yours.  I urge you all to choose harmony. Your life will be more fulfilling if you do.

The Right People

The most important aspect of any organization is the people in it. People build the culture. People build and operate the systems. People interact and provide value to customers. People determine the direction and speed the business travels. People spread the culture and the culture of a business (or relationship) determines how successful and long lasting it will be.

Because people are so important to any enterprise, it goes without saying that having the right people will make or break a business. Having the right people ensures harmony within the business. Having the right people will ensure the systems are being operated correctly. Having the right people will ensure sales and retention of customers is high. The right people will know what to do without being told. The right people will understand the importance of Make-You-Happy Customer Service. The right people do not need to be motivated; they already are motivated, and they will motivate others. The right people want to learn and improve to be the best at what they do. The right people want to be around the best, so they are constantly analyzing their environment to make sure they are in the best place and they are contributing enough to making it great.

Having the right people in a business will eliminate old problems and create new opportunities (also known as new problems). The right person wants to be in harmony with their environment and fellow coworkers. The right person produces incredible energy. The right person is one of good character. The right person reads everything they can on improving themselves. The right person has a positive mental attitude. Bottom line, people are the heart, the mind and the lungs of any business and society. There is one question I ask myself daily: am I the right person for this? Are you the right person?

Do You Have These Four Areas Mastered?

The Four Areas of Your Life

            How is your life going? Are some areas good and others… not so much? Did you know there are really four aspects of life that you must master to have a truly incredible life? Right now you’re thinking, “Sure. Sounds too simple.” Indeed it is simple to have an incredible life. It’s not easy, but it’s not complicated either. Here are the four areas of life that you must acknowledge and control to truly have an incredible life.

Mental Life— The mental part of your life relates to your belief systems and the way you make meaning of the world. Your mental life is the philosophy you have about life, business, family and everything else. The mental world is how we all make meaning of what happens and how we determine what to do. The easiest way to identify your mental world is to think about the thoughts you produce daily. “He hates me.” “She thinks I’m ugly.” “I’m so smart.” “Everyday above ground is a good day.” All of these thoughts reflect what’s going on with you mentally. Your philosophy about everything in life all comes from your mental life. Mentally, you must develop a success philosophy that will produce thoughts and therefore habits which will serve you.

Emotional Life— Emotions are really just chemical reactions in the body and brain, but they have a tremendous impact on the quality of our lives. Emotions can be affected by the thoughts you produce, but emotions can also occur independently. In fact, when we think about the quality of life, what we are really talking about is how much time you spend in positive emotional states. Happiness, gratitude, ecstasy are all states of emotion that most value and wish to spend time in. The elephant in the room that few are willing to say out loud is that your emotions are in your control at any given time. You get to choose what emotional states you live in. Emotion comes from the root motion–meaning that by changing your physical state, changing the foods and drinks you consume and spending time being mindful of emotions that arise in your mind, you can have complete control over your emotions. The key is to remember that you CAN be in control of them, but to do this you must be mindful of what emotions you are experiencing and take action to shift your emotional state to one that you value.

Physical Life— We live in what we perceive to be a physical world. Everything, everyone, our bodies present in a physical form. This is easy to understand, but it’s worth noting that most people do not have control over the physical aspect of life. The current epidemics of obesity, heart disease, and prescription drug addiction suggest that mastering the physical world is far from complete for humanity. Though we have discovered secrets of the universe like electricity, gravity, radio waves and x-rays, bacteria and other planets, there are many more physical aspects to life that people have yet to discover and understand. For the purposes of this article, however, I suggest that you start by getting control over this aspect of your life first. The reason being that your physical life controls so much of how you view the world. Your health, energy level and vitality directly affects your mental and emotional world, and by changing yourself physically, you can have a positive or negative effect on the quality of your life. Start by getting fit, gaining strength and developing the capacity to produce more energy. (Energy is not something you have, it’s something you produce.)

Spiritual Life— This area of life is by far the most misunderstood. The word spiritual usually brings about thoughts of religion. However the word spirit comes from the root “spiritus” meaning breath. Spirituality really predates any religion and it’s root meaning shows how truly the important this part of life is. Spirituality deals with our consciousness and its contents. To understand spirituality, you must recognize that you are not your thoughts. You are the one who is producing them and listening to them. Your spiritual world reflects your ability to ability to separate yourself from your thoughts and feels as well as recognize there are other states of consciousness available to you through meditation and mindfulness. Some call this prayer. Some call it something else. What it really is though is the ability to recognize and connect to an infinite energy and intelligence that is apart from the thoughts your mind produces. To become spiritual then, you must first recognize that you are separate from your thoughts. You are something else entirely. You are a “spiritual” being, one that is able to change your consciousness and self reflect.

Mastering these four areas of life is so difficult that I feel it’s safe to say most never achieve it. Worse, most don’t even recognize there are different aspects to life. Some say, “There’s just life.” That mindset fails to recognize that just like a stew, life can be boiled down to it is most simple ingredients. Start by acknowledging these four areas of your life and you can begin to work towards changing them in a positive way. Every area of your life should work to serve you, not hinder you in living in an incredible state most of your life.

Here’s to your incredible life,


Be One With Another

Personal connection with another is perhaps the greatest, most fulfilling state we can achieve as humans. The overwhelming desire to share experiences, build empathy, trust and connection with a partner, family and friends is what drives humanity forwards. While most media push stories of violence and conflict via reality TV shows, news programs and dystopian movies, the fact remains that humans are inherently wired to connect with each other, not hate and avoid them. Connection is a human need—a biological imperative.

Many people who have divorced or faced significant struggle with another may argue the importance of connection, but studies show that married couples report a significantly higher level of happiness and fulfillment as opposed to singles. Further studies report that the higher number of strong personal connections you have with others, the happier you are in your life. Humans are social creatures. We need each other to survive. We need each other to make the free market thrive and promote overall prosperity. All humans need to contribute and give beyond themselves to achieve fulfillment. So while it may be that others can diminish our tranquility through conflict, our desire for connection overrides.

Personally, I can say without a doubt that my connection with my wife is truly what gives me the highest level of fulfillment and happiness. I am focused more on her at any given time than I am myself. Everything I do, I do with her and my children in mind. I want to see them happy. I want to see them thrive. I want to share everything with my wife (except illness). My trust and love for her gives me such an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and well-being, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the state that people are supposed to be in the majority of their lives. So while it’s easy to look at the history of humanity and see war, conflict, hatred, prejudice and ignorance—that is nowhere near the whole story. The real story is that humans have connected and conspired with others to create something beyond themselves. Connection is creation.

We all must strive to make a personal connection with others. To share our life experiences and stories so they may live on beyond our own lives is the real story of humanity. Yes, you must take care of yourself. In fact you owe it to yourself and others to be the best you can be, but that is not what creates happiness. Being a better you is important solely for sharing with and helping others. Working on yourself is fine, but it’s only useful if you can give.

So go out and connect. Give beyond yourself. Create an unshakable bond with someone. This doesn’t mean being naive. People can and certainly will harm you in life. You must protect yourself and be guarded when necessary. Be prepared for pain. However, do not obsess about the dark qualities of interaction with others. And don’t worry if all your connections or friendships don’t work out. Not all of them will. Just focus on the future connections you will make. Focus on the love you give and others have given you. Remember above all, whatever you focus on, you find. Focus on being closer to others. It’s the only thing that will bring you true happiness.

In Health,


25 Biggest Problems in the World-Solved

Top 25 Problems Solved in 6 Words or Less

In this very short article I will attempt to provide an answer to what I believe are the world’s greatest problem. Caveat: My answers will be six words or less. My goal here is to get people to think about the questions posed and then research my answers for themselves. I believe most of the problems we face as humans have simple solutions, but we refuse to believe they can be solved because “it just can’t be that simple.” What if it was? Complexity is the enemy of execution, which is just another way of saying that people don’t do something if they believe it will be too difficult or complex to complete or solve the problem. So I’m going to be deliberately brief in my answers and I hope that my brevity will spur people to take some action.

1.How can I be more happy and fulfilled? A: Gratitude and mindfulness.
2.How can we achieve wage equality? A:Not possible unless humans are identical.
3.How can I build the best business? A:Build a monopoly. Do not compete.
4.How can I make more money? A:Add more value to marketplace.
5. Why do we have financial bubbles and cycles? A: Fractional reserve banking, central banks.
6. How can I stay positive? Focus on serving others. Be decisive.
7.How can we cure diseases like cancer, AIDS, etc? A:More private donors to startup firms.
8.Can poverty be cured? A:Only through the free market
9.Why is it so hard to stick with a goal?A:The reasons for achieving it,weak.
10.How can I make a marriage last? A:Take 100% responsibility for it.
11.Why is violence so prevalent? A:Violence makes humans feel significant.
12.How do I stop being mad or jealous? A: Focus on loving and serving others.
13.How do we end war? A: Private law societies,libertarianism.
14.How can I feel better about myself? A:You are wise,enough,courageous(repeat)
15.What is the most important trait to have?A:Courage, by far.
16.How do I know what to do in life?A: Do what others won’t or can’t.
17. How can I be financially secure? A: Multiple streams of income.
18. How do I bring progress to the world? A:Look for and work on “secrets”
19.How can I have a great life? A:Decide: live in a great state (everyday).
20.What determines if a person or country will be successful?A:Their philosophies and culture.
21. Best supplement for depression? A: Sam E (joints +liver also)
22.Best diet to lose fat and our disease in remission? A:Ketogenic diet
23. What is the biggest problem the world faces in the near future? A: Loss of hope.
24. Why do people tend to make the same mistakes over and over again? A:Habituation.Not examining their consciousness.
25.What is the biggest mistake most people make in life. A:Believing and following the majority (herd).
There you have it. Did this make you think? I truly hope it was helpful in expanding your consciousness and making you examine your own thoughts. Truly, the greatest thing any of us can do is to be mindful of our consciousness and its contents (thoughts). If we do this, the world will be a better place.

50 Reasons To Get and Stay Fit

50 Reasons to Achieve and Maintain an Incredible Level of Fitness

  1. Likely to have a longer lifespan
  2. Statistically likely to have less disease
  3. More energy
  4. Less likely to have depression
  5. Less likely to have chronic fatigue
  6. Less prescription medications
  7. More positive outlook on life
  8. You may inspire your family
  9. Your kids will look up to you
  10. You will be more productive
  11. Better sex
  12. Sex more often
  13. Self-confidence
  14. Instill self-discipline in your life
  15. Growing your physical potential will yield beneficial mental effects.
  16. Better regulation of your hormones
  17. Stronger bones
  18. More flexibility
  19. Less pain
  20. Reduced costs associated with health
  21. Outdoor activities are more fun
  22. Clothes fit and look better
  23. More strength
  24. More power
  25. Better endurance
  26. You begin to view food as fuel
  27. Your “cheat” meals are more cherished
  28. Looking forward to physical challenges instead of avoiding them
  29. Being more useful to others because of your strength and energy
  30. Fitness is a fun challenge
  31. The fitness game never ends, it only evolves as your age
  32. Your family wants you to live a long time
  33. Your friends may be inspired by you
  34. Some people will be jealous (ex boyfriends and girlfriends)
  35. Your social media pictures will look great
  36. Because you can and it will benefit you, so you should
  37. Emotion comes from motion. You can control your emotions by being more fit
  38. Faster recovery from injury
  39. Faster recovery from surgery
  40. Better ability to tolerate carbohydrates
  41. More effective immune system
  42. Your brain will function better
  43. All of your organs and cells will produce more energy and mitochondria
  44. It’s simple to do
  45. It’s not easy, which makes it more fun
  46. Setting an example for others about what is possible
  47. Defending yourself and loved ones
  48. Making people turn their heads as your walk down the beach
  49. People who are fit generally make more money over their lifespan
  50. Because you owe it to yourself

Books to Radically Change Your Life

Today I’m offering a list a books that have radically changed my life.  I believe in constant learning and improvement .  I believe that Leaders are Readers and readers can be better leaders so long as they don’t over analyze and become paralyzed be decision.  A wealth of knowledge exists, lessons written by others that have traveled down certain paths and sent information back about what they have learned.  Man cannot exist on bread alone…he needs ideas to thrive.  So I hope you will find some ideas in the following titles. All these are available on Amazon.com. I have broken down the books into categories, although I strongly suggest you read them all because every aspect of life affects every other.

Reasons To Not Be Republican

There are many reasons, but here is a quick list of why I’m not a Republican and couldn’t vote for one. This may shock some people, but I live to shock. Some may disagree with me and say they are “voting for the lesser of two evils.” I would counter they are getting the very evil they fear by voting Republican. So here’s why I can’t vote for the GOP.

  1. Republicans are anti-Liberty. The Grand Old Party (GOP) or Republican Party was the ideological descendent of the American System—a political ideology Henry Clay and his ideological mentor Alexander Hamilton (a proponent of lifetime presidencies) propagated. They believed strongly in a powerful central government, an income tax, a strong central bank and high tariffs. All of these beliefs run counter to the principles of Liberty. The Republican Party, especially the hero of its party, Abraham Lincoln, was a student of Henry Clay. Lincoln inherently wanted a strong central bank, income tax and high tariffs. These tenants are still found in the GOP today.
  2. The GOP grows government, despite what it states publicly. The current Republican-controlled congress has repeatedly approved budgets that have taken America further into debt, expanded the welfare system, expanded government surveillance of Americans and then looked the other way while the executive branch has gotten the country into foreign entanglements that apparently have no end. While some would suggest this is done in the name of “national defense,” the truth is that these operations have less to do with the defense of this country and more to do with reaffirming the presence of an American empire. After all, most of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi, yet American forces invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. We also are involved in covert operations all over Africa and Asia via drone warfare.
  3. They believe in the same political ideology as the leftists. Republicans, especially neoconservatives, believe in Machiavelli’s Noble Lie principle as laid out in The Prince. The principle suggests that the public is too stupid to know the truth, so smart central planners should lie to them in order for the common good. Democrats and progressives at the turn of the 20th century like Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt and FDR believed this as well. In fact, the belief is so engrained into the political ideology of both parties that closed door meetings, congressional voting without the public presence, and classified government programs are the norm and almost completely accepted as a reality by the public.
  4. Republicans love government and deplore the Constitution. Despite what they may say, Republicans continue to pass unconstitutional laws, expand unconstitutional programs and rely on the Federal Reserve Bank and income tax to steal from Americans though taxation system and inflation of the money supply. Government under George Bush grew beyond any previous president and has grown even more under Obama. Does more government equate to more freedom or less freedom for the public? More taxes or less taxes? More debt or less debt? The answer is obvious.
  5. They love war. This was mentioned before, but it’s worth restating that Republicans have consistently violated the constitution by allowing the executive branch to conduct foreign wars without a formal declaration of war by Congress. Democrats are complicit in this as well and the result is a foreign policy that has made it less safe for Americans at home and abroad. Not to mention the endless debt and perpetual warfare state our country is embroiled in.
  6. Republicans have contributed to the failed War on Drugs. Indeed, the GOP and “conservatives” love to demagogue about Liberty, but they will use the force of the government to keep you from using substances they have deemed illegal. Ingesting a substance or possessing something should never be a crime if there is no victim. The United States has spent billions of dollars incarcerating people for the use and sale of illicit drugs, but drug use is still very high in this country. Meanwhile, our jails are full of nonviolent criminals, publicly bankrupting our system.
  7. Republicans believe in limited speech. While it has been mostly Democrats that have supported hate speech laws and the sedition acts of World War One (which shows how intolerant the left truly is of free speech), Republicans have been complicit in the war on free speech. From creating laws against flag burning (which is obviously atrocious), to attempts to ban pornography (also admittedly a problem for many), Republicans have repeatedly misconstrued FREE SPEECH for POLITE SPEECH. Just because something is not polite, may seriously offend someone or even possibly be hurtful to others or the government itself does not mean there must be a law against it. Freedom of speech was not written into the First Amendment to the Constitution to protect polite speech. It was written into law to protect controversial speech. Besides, why should we allow government to tell us what speech should be allowed or what speech is polite or appropriate? If there is no physical victim created from the speech, it must be allowed. (The famous argument for restricting speech is the “yelling fire in a crowded theater” logic. Obviously if there is an actual fire, the speech is protected, even if it results in a stampede because the truth was spoken and there was no malice of forethought. If there was no fire, malice of forethought has been established and the person “yelling” is responsible for the consequences of his behavior.) Flag burning and pornography may be atrocities, but they are speech nonetheless and should be protected under the constitution.
  8. Republicans have sought to expand the police and surveillance state. After 9/11 Republicans were eager to pass the Patriot Act into law which allows for law enforcement agencies to execute their own search warrants without approval of a magistrate in certain situations, if that situation is deemed to be of “a national security matter”. While this is a clear violation of the Bill of Rights, Republicans did even worse than that by giving us the TSA and Homeland Defense Departments of government—agencies that repeatedly engage in the violation of personal liberty. Perhaps the worst example though, is bipartisan effort to allow warrantless wire taps on American citizens and the mass collection of data from phone calls, emails and text messages by the NSA. But what is even worse is that they refused to inform the public before they engaged in these acts.
  9. Republicans consistently raise the debt and deficit. This is not disputable. Republicans have consistently grown government programs at home (think Medicare Part D) and given out billions in foreign aid. Even Ronald Reagan, the great Republican hero, engaged in deficit spending and added significant to the national debt.
  10. They lie. You might say that all politicians lie and you’d probably be right. However, Republicans will say they stand for less government and more individual liberty and then act in a way that does exactly the opposite. At least Democrats will say they are going to expand government, restrict Liberty (the necessary implication of expanding government), increase taxes and spend more money. I mean, at least you know what you’re getting with a liberal. With a Republican, you might get a Democrat in Brooks Brothers clothing.

The takeaway? The only “wasted” vote is one cast for a Republican or Democrat. There is no lesser of two evils. There is only evil. Ditch the two parties and vote for Liberty, property rights, and the non-aggression principle. Don’t be complicit in the evil of the system. Reject it.

What Does Freedom Mean To You?

I’m now confident as I proceed through the third decade of my life, that everything in the universe has a different meaning for you depending on your point of view. I find that interesting, given that we have a dictionary, which spells out clearly what the definition of certain things are. That said, our lexicon is made up by man as a means in which we can communicate the physical world to others. So, it makes sense that if language, the most common way to express meaning is fabricated by man, then the meaning of those words are also different depending on the person hearing or reading the words. Here’s an example: take the words strong, rich, happy, stressful, and beautiful. My bet is that if you asked 10 people to write down something or someone that meets the definition of the words, very different answers would be given. This phenomenon is one of the reasons it becomes so difficult to run your life, a business or a government—people will interpret what you say and do very differently. However, how can we function as a society without some common understandings? Therein lies the answer to the question why people tend to associate with people they perceive to share their values and beliefs. These groups of people have similar ways of making meaning in the world.

So what about freedom or liberty? Clearly those words have very different meanings to people. From Dictionary.com, freedom means:

-The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.

-Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.

Sounds fairly easy to understand. But given this definition, we are not free at all. We are not free to move about without a passport. We are not free to earn and spend without taxation. We are not free to consume what we please without the consequence of physical restraint. We cannot engage in mutual exchange without the penalty of taxation or regulation. But, if you were to ask most Americans or others from a similar cultural or governmental region whether or not they had freedom, I suspect the answer would be yes. I guess my definition of freedom is very different.

I suppose it really depends on what freedom means to you. For millions, government health care is freedom. For many of the same people freedom means paid sick leave and a mandated living wage. For others, freedom means exactly what the definition is in the dictionary—exemption from external control, interference and regulation. Does this mean no government or total anarchy? Not necessarily. To believe anarchy would endure with less government certainly shows a dismal view of humanity. However, if the institutions created by man repeatedly infringe on the freedom of its citizens, one can no longer claim to be free under those conditions. Freedom does not come from external sources. It comes from the desire to be free from control and engage with others without restricting their freedoms. I believe while all humans crave freedom, the definitions we have for what freedom is keeps us from achieving it. I also believe many of us keep ourselves from being free by allowing ourselves to be slaves to internal forces.

Freedom, then, must be created internally before one can claim to be free. Stated differently, just because you are not a slave to someone else physically, does not mean you are free. Do you have good health? If not, you are not really free. You are constrained. Do you have a positive mental attitude? If not, you may achieve certain levels of success, but your mind will keep you a slave. Many are slaves to their fears and habits. Visit any mental hospital or check the CDC website to see how many people are addicted to psychiatric medication if you need proof of this. If freedom must be created internally first, before one can truly be free, how does one do it?

I believe the first thing that must happen is the decision to be free. You must decide that you will not be constrained by yourself or external forces (that you can control). Like most things, freedom happens with a choice. Today, I’m asking you to make the choice to be free, truly free. While you not may be truly free from government taxation and regulations in your lifetime, you can make the choice to no longer be constrained by your own behavior and thoughts. Ask yourself “What has to happen for me to feel free?” Write down your answers and then begin immediately taking massive action to attain freedom. Is it more income? Less stress? Less pain? A great outlook on life and humanity? Incredible strength and endurance? Less debt? Whatever you need to feel free, identify it and work tirelessly to be free.

In Liberty


15 Ways to Add Value in the World

People love lists, and for me personally they work to keep my mind steady and in proper working condition. However most lists are not useful to us as we don’t usually follow them, but certain lists belong in every human’s operating manual. The most important thing we can do with our time is to add value to another’s life. Nothing will yield more satisfaction in life than by contributing to the brotherhood of man. Likewise, nothing can yield you more money in the marketplace than figuring out how to add value to another’s life. So, without further ado: 15 Ways To Add Value in the World…

  1. Always do more than you get paid for. Go the extra mile so that people speak nicely of you always.
  2. Make people feel special whenever possible.
  3. Focus on complimenting everyone you meet and spend time with by sharing something you admire about them.
  4. Figure out their needs and try to deliver what they need. This is the foundation of both a fulfilling life and the free market.
  5. Look them in the eye and smile often.
  6. Keep fresh memories about all the positive aspects of that person and relay that information often.
  7. Be lavish with praise and slow to criticize.
  8. Think about life from their perspective and try to alleviate pain when possible.
  9. Touch them physically or with words to communicate your love for them.
  10. Let them know you think of them often.
  11. Take a tone of voice that communicates respect and understanding.
  12. Do something nice without expecting anything in return.
  13. Go out of your way to deliver a moment of happiness whenever possible.
  14. Do not let your imagination go wild with false, negative thoughts the person may have.
  15. Silently say, “Thank you, I love you,” in your head before speaking with another human. Everyone is fighting a battle you may not know about. Remember that and you’ll always operate from a place of compassion and not fear.