Whatever else the Brexit vote may be, it is at its core an emphasis of the belief of self-governance and self-determination. There is really only one right that all humans have-the right to property. This right stems from the fact that you own your own body and therefore have the right to your property and self-governance. This is a fundamental right. No one owns you. You have the right to self-determination. Older Brits, the largest group in support of leaving the European Union understood this.Younger ones have been brainwashed into believing that a global government is better for all. The opposite is true in regards to freedom.  Brexit was not about racism or xenophobia as many would have you believe. It was about a country getting the short end of the stick and deciding to take ownership of the right to self-determination.

The breakup of large empires is a recurring theme through history. Eventually, localities with a different culture, language and needs resent having a central government in a far off land deciding what they can and cannot do. Older Brits, the one making up the largest tax base understand that their taxes are being forced towards policies they don’t approve of. The concept is so simple that the truly shocking part about it, is that the elites don’t get it. The ones who benefit from taxation, loose money and central banking are the ones who are really concerned because their grip on the globe is failing. The central planners and progressives have gripped so tight for so long, the countries they desire to control are slipping though their fingers. When they see countries stand up and refuse a central currency and laws in favor of their own, elites freak out.

So that is why so much has been made about the “tragedy” of the British exit of the EU. Nothing could be further from the truth. If individuals and countries do not have the right to self-governance, there is no liberty. Brexit is not a tragedy, it’s a triumph. Anytime people realize they own themselves and take responsibility for their own destiny, it’s a triumph. The consolidation of power-through treaties, taxation and global currency is the real tragedy.

Be Disgusted

Disgust is a negative emotion, but it can be a very positive, powerful force if used properly. The moment when “enough is enough” is evident throughout human history. Disgust has been a turning point for change since the beginning of modern man. Humans had enough of lifting heavy objects, resulting in the use of the wheel. We were disgusted with being at the mercy of the elements, resulting in shelter and the use of fire. A revolution came about by colonists being disgusted by taxes. The world would not be what it is today without people saying, “That’s it. I’ve had enough.” Disgust, like all emotions, can be useful if harnessed for positive action.

I’ve been disgusted with myself various times throughout my life. My regular use of ibuprofen to combat my pain was certainly one. I was taking so much I couldn’t function without it. Another moment of disgust was when I realized I wasn’t making nearly what I had the potential to make in income. I’ve been disgusted in how I have acted towards others. I have been disgusted in how I gave up on something or someone I cared about. Come to think of it, by writing this, I’m becoming disgusted by how I’ve often failed to live up to my potential. I’m disgusted that I may never fulfill what I’m capable of…

Moving on, I’ll ask, what are you disgusted by? When is enough going to be enough? Is it a dependency on something or someone? Is it your body?   Are you tired of being sick? Are you disgusted with being tired all the time? Are you disgusted with yourself for always being sad? Are you disgusted by how weak or frail you are? Are you disgusted in how you’ve treated others or failed in some endeavor? What are you going to do about it? When is enough, enough? Don’t be afraid of disgust. Don’t block the feeling. Harness it to learn and promote positive change.

Identify Yourself (Actually, Don’t)

This article will be redundant. It is done so to drive my point home…

There are a few things in life that will significantly impact the direction and quality of your life. The first, I believe, is your personal philosophy. Your philosophy about life is the major factor in how things will play out for you. A close second, and perhaps much more relatable and relevant to people, is with what group or groups you tie your identity to. How you identify yourself reinforces the story you tell yourself and others about who you are. I’m going to suggest to you that this is a mistake. By tying your identity to a group rather than who you are as a human and an individual can significantly diminish the quality of your life. I realize this will be controversial, but in order to progress as humans, the tribe mentality of our ancestors must disappear. This will not happen until people take control of their own fate, rather than living within the expectations and ideology of another group.

My reasoning behind this argument is simple–the story that you tell yourself about who you are impacts your beliefs and values, thereby influencing a major part of life that you should take responsibility for and think critically about. For example, if your identity is tied to an extremist religious group like ISIS, your values about how you should live and act towards others are not compatible with human life and liberty. You have significantly limited yourself and your world view. Let me suggest that your religious practices, whatever they may be, are not your identity. The same goes for any political organization that you affiliate with. I would advise against it becoming tied to “who you are”. By doing so, you are hampering your potential as a human.

I like Bruce Lee’s philosophy towards different styles of fighting. He refused to identify himself with one or another, instead taking the best from all different styles. Bruce Lee was a dedicated learner. His desire was to be better tomorrow than yesterday or today. That should be a common belief for all humans. By limiting yourself to a certain group, I believe you are limiting your potential and also allowing group mentality to influence your world view about how to act towards others. I have been known to say that you are not your thoughts. You are the one who listens to them. Likewise, you are not your religion, political affiliation, race, gender, sexual preference. I would advise against identifying with any group. It is this tribe mentality that causes so much pain and suffering. Islam vs Christianity. Gay vs. Straight. Male vs. Female. White vs Black. Conservative vs Liberal. It’s time to stop labeling and limiting yourself. To expand as an individual you must ditch the labels you have allowed to be placed on you. You are not a group. Groups do not think–they produce a way to think about things. Groups do not have rights (although they claim to). Only individuals do. Act like an individual and identify yourself as one.

So how should one identify? What story should they tell themselves about who they are? If it is true that you become the story you tell yourself, I strongly suggest getting a better story. So who are you really? You are a being that cannot be labeled. You are a gift to the universe. You are infinite potential. You are a factory producing infinite energy, love, compassion. Want a better world? Want a better life? Get a better story…and stop identifying with a group. You are not a group. You are a unique individual. You own your body and your mind. Do your own thinking. Drop the labels.

In Liberty,

The Power of Anticipation

One of the most powerful forces in life and one of the most difficult to master is the power of anticipation. What does the future hold? It’s always impossible to be completely certain, and that uncertainty leads to a great deal of fear for many people, especially parents, business owners and investors. Trying to predict the future is nearly always a futile attempt, but without the ability to anticipate what is likely to happen, we are at a clear disadvantage—often leading people to inaction due to analysis paralysis. When the future is unclear, it is difficult to maintain a positive outlook and hope. Fear takes over in this situation.

This year happens to be a presidential election year in the United States. This always leads to a great deal of uncertainty as people from differing political viewpoints struggle to grapple with the outcomes of a new presidency. Will there be more war? More taxes? Perhaps, more freedom? It’s impossible to know for sure, and that causes entrepreneurs like myself to be very apprehensive about making more investments, especially in areas where increased regulations are almost guaranteed because of state pension liabilities and politicians who pride themselves on passing new laws, regardless of whether they are needed.

Business owners must run two businesses—the business as it is today and the one they believe they will have to run in the future. The greats had the power of anticipation. Bill Gates anticipated the rise of the PC. Henry Ford anticipated the automobile for every working family. The best in the world at what they do have the power to anticipate what is coming. Change is inevitable. How to adapt to the change is what is difficult. The answer to the future nearly always lies in the past.

Looking at trends, the assumptions that a group or groups of people make, as well as the underlying fundamentals behind their assumptions are, I believe, the best predictors of the future. Clearly, not all trends last or even make an impact on society, but an investor only needs to get a few trends right to be massively successful. Most investments do not work out, but a few “unicorns” can more than make up for the bad bets. Trends in business and government in the last 20 years leads to a fairly clear picture of the future. With all this in mind, here is what I anticipate in the next 10 years for the United States:

-Increased surveillance of the populace

-Increased taxation of regulation

-Insolvency for certain government departments and financial institutions

-Less overall employment

-The ubiquity of self-driving cars

-Student loans being defaulted on by millions of students, leading to lower credit scores and less consumer spending

-The disruption of many industries due to artificial intelligence

-Labor will be less important, due to increased use of robotics

Change is inevitable. Are you ready for what is coming?

13 Mind Blowing Facts

13 Mind Blowing Facts

Life is incredible and the universe is truly remarkable. In case you forgot that, here are 13 facts that will blow your mind and perhaps remind you how wondrous this experience really is.


1.Time is not universal. The passage of time on a fast moving object has a different effect than one at rest.

2.What we call gravity is caused by the bending of space-time. The size of the Earth and the speed at which it moves causes a distortion space and time, (similar to large ball sitting on a sheet, causing the sheet to sink down. The sheet is space-time.)

  1. You are not the thoughts in your head. You are the one who listens to them and you can choose which ones to listen to.
  2. All matter is energy. The entire universe is energy that is constantly moving.
  3. Your level on consciousness and the philosophies it produces will determine your happiness in life.
  4. Humans are the only life we know of to date that can study itself.
  5. Jellyfish can live forever by reverting back to an earlier stage of life after becoming sexually mature.
  6. Your values and beliefs alter your reality of the world. That is why two different people can look at the same object and see something different.
  7. There are trillions of stars in the universe. Our sun is just one and it will burn out eventually.
  8. A new study has found the brain’s information storage capacity may be around a quadrillion bytes. We actually take in information faster than we can recall it. That’s why we “forget” things.

11.Stress and fear are the same emotion. Stressed? It’s because you’re fearful of something.

  1. The human body is comprised of 37.2 TRILLION cells.
  2. The emotion of love is driven by the release of dopamine and seretonin. You can control your emotions by changing your physiology.